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I am a Student, I do not want to give my name because the police took my name and information and I am afraid for me and my family´s safety.

I was one of those arrested in Zaragoza, the November 20th, that went out into the streets to protest for the safe return of the Ayotzinapa students. My story begins around 1 30 or 2 PM, my arrest happened in Calzada Ignacio Zaragoza.

I was walking with a group of students and without realizing it, a policeman jumped on me (supposedly it was the chief of police, or so I was told by the policeman who held me after my arrest).

Well, one jumped on me and then another, I was not able to run, then they threw me and started kicking me in the head, then they had a small verbal fight between them which made them stop hitting me.

They picked me up and took me to the police car, at that point one of the policeman put his hand in my pocket, took out my cell-phone and stole it. Once inside they started searching me and took away my money (150 pesos), my backpack and wrote my personal information from my id’s inside my wallet.

After that they started to harass me and to hit me in the ribs, I was not resisting them as I would have lost, there were 3 policeman in the car and I could hear there were others outside that would have hit me.

I saw how they “planted” gasoline, firecrackers and gloves and told me I was in for the deep because I had just set fire to a bus and I was the only one with gasoline, the only thing I was carrying was a 1.5 liter bottle of water and my sweatshirt.

They kept me in the car for more than 2 hours, with the same threats. They told me that my bail was set at 26 thousand pesos (2 thousand dollars) and that it was 4 years jail time if they processed me, that if that happened the judge will send me for sure right away.

They asked for the number of a family member to tell them where they were taking me, once they contacted them they asked for 9 thousand pesos and that they should come right away, and we waited until he came and gave them the money, they told him that we had set fire to a bus and had bombs and firecrackers.

They told me that they had me on record and that we would see how many years I was going to stay in jail.

I made it home at 8 PM, I am bruised and in pain, but free. Thank you for everything.

Source: http://comitecerezo.org/spip.php?article1962

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